White Lives Matter (Network)

Two men in masks and black clothing hold up a banner, approximately 7 feet tall and wider than that on a sidewalk inside a tunnel. It says "WHITE LIVES MATTER (redacted) CANADA". Below, a series of stickers with the slogan and another photograph of men with the same banner in the same tunnel.

White Lives Matter is the name of a United-States based neo-Nazi network that operates several groups in Canada. The network is known for focusing efforts on the distribution of public propaganda in urban areas. This includes the proliferation of posters, stickers, and large banners, as well as holding public demonstrations. These activities are often filmed and used to promote the network on social media.

Its name is a reference to the black civil rights movement Black Lives Matter, which it uses to frame its activities as a cultural response to the movement. In reality, the network promotes neo-Nazism and white supremacist messaging.

This group or movement relies partially on media attention for recruitment. We recommend proceeding with informed caution when reporting on this group/movement in a public manner.

Hatepedia was produced by the Online Hate Research and Education Project, which is an initiative of The Toronto Holocaust Museum. For more information, please visit our website or contact us at info [at] thethm.org.

Hatepedia and OHREP have been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.

Hatepedia et OHREP a été rendu possible en partie grâce au gouvernement du Canada.