
A picture of Tucker Carlson on air, modified to make him wear a skullmask and for his eyes to shoot red lasers. Below on the chyron are the words 'is force now more effective than voting'.

Accelerationism is a process of fast-tracking what is believed to be an inevitable collapse of modern capitalist society. White supremacist accelerationism was popularized by neo-Nazi James Mason in the 1980s newsletter Siege. Mason’s collected works, which favoured the ideas of Charles Manson, saw a resurgence on Iron March forums in 2015 coinciding with the formation of accelerationist groups like the Atomwaffen Division.

White supremacist accelerationism involves the use of terrorist attacks, murders, and sometimes sexual violence as a means to hasten a societal collapse. Modern proponents often look to mass killers like Timothy McVeigh (who is often framed as a precursor to the movement’s current tactics), Anders Breivik, and Dylann Roof for inspiration.

Hatepedia was produced by the Online Hate Research and Education Project, which is an initiative of The Toronto Holocaust Museum. For more information, please visit our website or contact us at info [at]

Hatepedia and OHREP have been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.

Hatepedia et OHREP a été rendu possible en partie grâce au gouvernement du Canada.