Black Sun

Photograph. A women with blond and pink hair in a braid gives a Nazi salute to a black flag with a white 'Black Sun' on it. On the back of her shirt is the Fourteen Words in a blackletter typeface.

Also appears as: Sonnenrad

The Black Sun, or Sonnenrad, is an original symbol based on ancient sunwheel designs. The symbol was installed as a floor mosaic by SS (Schutzstaffel) in Wewelsburg Castle under the direction of SS head Heinrich Himmler. Today the Black Sun is often used in place of the Swastika as a symbol of national socialism. It also represents the elements of mysticism, occultism, and Satanism that can be found within some neo-Nazi movements. Because the Black Sun is not as well known as the Swastika, it is occasionally missed and broadcast by journalists and organizations, notably during the Russo-Ukrainian war.

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Hatepedia et OHREP a été rendu possible en partie grâce au gouvernement du Canada.