Day of the Rope

Meme titled 'Day of the Rope is coming', which shows a man in a totenkopf hat and wearing a skullmask standing next to a noose. Text reads 'And if I can accelerate that shit I'm going to. Because it needs to happen and I want to ee it in my lifetime. I do not wish to leave this to our children. Our children should not deal with this shit.'

Day of the Rope is a call for violence taken from the 1978 white supremacist novel The Turner Diaries written by American Neo-Nazi William Luther Pierce, which depicts a fictional overthrow of the United States government and ensuing race war. Pierce’s book is influential among white supremacists including Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, who was found with pages from the novel after his attack. In the book the Day of The Rope refers to a scene in the book where “race traitors” and enemies are executed en masse. Subsequent works by white supremacists have referenced Day of the Rope. There are numerous explicit and implicit Day of the Rope memes, which is sometimes referenced through noose-related imagery.

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Hatepedia and OHREP have been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.

Hatepedia et OHREP a été rendu possible en partie grâce au gouvernement du Canada.