Jera Rune

Illustration on a t-shirt. It depicts several runes on a tree. The Jera rune, two angles as individual lines stacked atop one another, is in the centre. It resembles a"<" over an ">". A Jera is placed over the image for reference.

Jera, or Jeran, is a prehistoric European rune that sometimes represents time. Like many other runes, it has been appropriated as a pseudohistorical symbol of white or "Aryan" ancestry by neo-Nazi movements. As it is was not known to be used in Nazi Germany, its appearence in hate movements may go unnoticed. As a rune with uses outside of hate movements, Jera's appearence is not always hateful.

See also: Death Rune, Life Rune, Odal Rune, SS Bolts, Tyr Rune

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Hatepedia et OHREP a été rendu possible en partie grâce au gouvernement du Canada.