Life Rune

A life rune: three points stemming from one line, aimed upwards. It is white and a forest is in the background.

Also known as: Elhaz Rune, Algiz Rune

The Life Rune was a name given to the Algiz or Elhaz Rune appropriated by the Nazis. In the context of Nazi pseudoarcheological beliefs it came to symbolize “life” and was widely referred to as the Life Rune in Germany. The symbol was used in Nazi uniforms and iconography, including by the SS body responsible for the “Lebensborn” racial birth program, responsible for promoting “Aryans” and the Sturmabteilung. The Life Rune has an inverted counterpart, the Death Rune.

After the Second World War the Life rune continues to be used by neo-Nazis and white supremacists. In Canada, the Heritage Front used a Life Rune in their logo. Not all uses of the Life Rune are hateful, and context has to be carefully taken into account.

See also: Death Rune, Jera Rune, Odal Rune, SS Bolts, Tyr Rune

Hatepedia was produced by the Online Hate Research and Education Project, which is an initiative of The Toronto Holocaust Museum. For more information, please visit our website or contact us at info [at]

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Hatepedia et OHREP a été rendu possible en partie grâce au gouvernement du Canada.